About Me
Mix a southern girl who loves city girl fashion, working out until she can’t move, eating gluten free thanks to Celiac, blurting her creativity into anything that will listen, a music taste with no direction and the occasional cry, and you have the perfect recipe of me!
8 Things You Should Know
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Diagnosed with Celiac Disease in 2016. Basically half my personality.
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My music taste has no order or organization. I can go from Frank Sinatra to Lil Uzi to Sam Smith in 3 songs. But music also means a lot to me.
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The amount of times I have googled “Funny Jokes” says enough in and of itself. My sense of humor is basically just laugh at everything. It doesn’t take a lot.
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I don’t discriminate foods into breakfast, lunch and dinner categories. I will eat whatever, whenever. Lasagna at 8 a.m.? Yep, give me a fork.
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I am the youngest and self proclaimed funniest sibling of 3.
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Costco semi-sweet chocolate chips over ANY other brand.
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I actually used to hate writing until I realized I could write about whatever I wanted to, in whatever tone I wanted. Long story short, never ever thought I’d be writing a blog.
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I would prefer to watch shows and movies that I know I love over and over again, instead of trying new things I haven’t seen. It takes a lot of convincing.